Boost your confidence by adapting your body language

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This inspirational TED talk by Amy Cuddy is a must watch.

In it she shares a ‘life hack’ to boost your confidence and change the entire course of your life.

It is incredibly simple and easy to do, here’s how…


Shonda Rhimes Year of Saying Yes to everything

In this moving TED Talk, Shonda Rhimes shares her year of saying ‘yes’ to everything.

She talks about having and losing ‘the hum’ and how 15 minutes can make such a difference.

The Power of Vulnerability

Power of Vulnerability - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing (1)

Watch this incredible TED Talk by Storyteller/Researcher Brene Brown.

Brown shares the key to experiencing life to the full.

Her talk will move you, challenge you and inspire you to live, work and parent in a new way.

The Secret to Happiness & Success

Secret to Hapiness and Success - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing Session

Discover the fundamental shift in the ‘happiness equation’ that is required to create true happiness.

Shawn Achor author of The Happiness Advantage outlines how increasing happiness can change individuals, communities and the world.

Watch this outstanding and entertaining message in which he shares 5 practical ways to train your brain for happiness!

Boosting Your Resilience

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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to sail through life coping with every and any situation, while others appear to be constantly overwhelmed, battling with one drama after another?

Discover a simple step by step process to build strong resilience so you can stay calm under pressure, maintain a positive outlook and weather the storms of life well.

An Attitude Of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing

Gratitude. It’s the ultimate cure for a bad mood, stress and worry. Thankfulness moves a person from pessimistic, depressive thoughts to feelings of happiness, joy and contentment. We all want more of that in life, right? Every action we take is the result of a thought. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful; they shape our lives. Age-old wisdom tells us to … Read More

Sixteen Stress Busters

Sixteen Stress Busters - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing

Stress affects us all and can be both good and bad. The key is mastering how to manage stress well!

Here are sixteen practical strategies to deal with stress.

While they are all important, numbers 1, 10 and 16 are the most vital for the majority of people.

Read on…


Ditching the Rat Race for the Simple Life

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This story of the fisherman and the businessman is one of the best stories I have read. It comes to mind regularly as I contemplate life and how we live it.

I won’t spoil the story, so first I encourage you to read on for one minute…


An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were…


Why Sitting Down Is Killing Us

Why Sitting Down Is Killing Us - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing Session

Research studies show that sitting for long periods increases early death, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease.  Not a nice cocktail!

Most importantly, this remains true even if you exercise.

Read on to find my seven practical strategies to overcome this and boost your health today!


Reduce Stress…with these Top Time Management Tips

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Do you ever get to the end of the day and wonder where its gone, feeling like you’ve worked so hard but achieved so little? Ever stay late to get just a couple more things done so you’ll have a couple of free hours the next day? Do you notice that those hours never really get freed up?

Constant work and home pressure builds up over time and really can lead to burn out! The reality is that we all have the same 24 hours. We can’t change time, but we can change the way we use it.

If you would like to make the most of your time, here are some simple practical ways to increase you effectiveness…