So, what is a Wellbeing Champion, anyway?
Wellbeing Champions are a team of everyday people, spread throughout an organisation who have a special skill set, to spot when colleagues may face mental distress and be equipped with the skills and confidence to offer support and help guide people towards getting further help.
Wellbeing Champions aren’t people that have all the answers or a magic wand to wave that can ‘make everything’ better. You do however, play a vital role in ensuring people are seen and heard, providing on-the-spot assistance, making people aware of the services available to them and keeping up a good flow of communication.

What is a Wellbeing Champion and what is it not?
If someone asked you what is a Wellbeing Champion, what comes to mind?
Brainstorm under two headings...
What is a Wellbeing Champion? | What is it not?

Key things to remember
Wellbeing Champions...
- Aren't perfect
- Don't need to have all the answers
- Are not counsellors
- Do not need to solve problems
- Aren't experts on everything
things they are / do...
- Are there to listen
- Can refer on for further help
- Are great people to talk to who won't gossip or judge
- Have some tools and skills that can help
- Are great at asking questions and reflecting back
- Can help people come up with their own answers
- Can be there to encourage others