David Award Announcement – Lauren Parsons Wellbeing

The David Awards exist to celebrate heros in small business throughout New Zealand. I discovered a few weeks ago that I was a finalist in the Marketing and Solo Meo categories.

Today – I’ve just found out that I won the Solo Meo Award!

Huge heartfelt thanks go to all of my supporters and clients. I couldn’t do the work that I do without you! Here’s a short video message from me to you…

I’m rather lost for words right now.

It means so much winning this National Business Award as there are so many incredible and deserving business leaders out there!

I’ll let the team at NZ Business share their words from this article which was just released…

Celebrating solo success

NZ Business Article

From professional speaking and executive coaching to in-house training and online courses, Lauren Parsons’ holistic approach to business has seen her practice thrive, and in the process she’s helped empower leaders and teams to flourish.

Based in Palmerston North, Lauren Parsons is a Wellbeing Specialist who focuses on enhancing workplace environments to promote both wellbeing and productivity. Combining her background in wellness and coaching, with a business degree and over 20 years experience, Lauren’s mission is driven by a deep belief that “everyone deserves to thrive”.

Through her coaching practice, launched in 2008, Lauren creates conditions where individuals can flourish, ultimately benefiting their entire organisation. “I believe everyone wants to do a good day’s work, to return home satisfied and be able to switch off and recharge. That’s always the goal. If we can lift both productivity and wellbeing, everyone wins,” she says, emphasising the interconnectedness of personal and professional success.

Through her diverse offerings – ranging from inspirational keynote speeches and in-house training to online courses and executive coaching – Lauren empowers leaders and teams with the tools necessary to foster a thriving workplace culture. Her work addresses significant challenges faced by organisations, including high staff turnover, absenteeism, and low engagement.


Lauren’s approach to workplace wellbeing is holistic, centered around her Five Live Well Principles, which enhance both physical and mental health. “Everything I do is tailored for busy people in the modern world,” she notes. “I focus on the most effective time-saving approaches combined with a human psychology and habit change model that creates lasting positive change.”

Last year, she released her book Thriving Leaders Thriving Teams, a practical guide that provides leaders with a blueprint for creating a thriving workplace culture. “Delivering a one-off resilience workshop is great, but it won’t change the fundamentals of a workplace’s culture,” Lauren says. Her book is designed to fill this gap, offering actionable insights and bonus resources that make it easy for leaders to implement change. “People tell me the best thing is that they can download all the bonus resources and use the templates, checklists, and scorecards with their teams.”

Lauren’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by a commitment to personal and professional growth. Her experience writing Thriving Leaders Thriving Teams not only highlights her expertise but also her desire to impact the workplace culture significantly. “My first book was actually Real Food Less Fuss, a nutrition book I brought out in 2016. The second came about because I could see the need for leaders to have a blueprint outlining how to build a thriving team culture,” she explains.

This new book is not just theoretical; it is filled with practical advice and inspiring stories, making it an accessible resource for leaders seeking to improve their teams. “I’ve been rapt with the feedback it’s received,” she says, clearly passionate about the positive impact her work has on others.

Earlier this year, and after a three-year journey, Lauren became New Zealand’s first Accredited Speaker (one of only 95 ever awarded worldwide). This prestigious designation was awarded by Toastmasters International, and recognises outstanding Professional Speakers who perform at the highest level.


Running a solo business can often be a lonely endeavour, but Lauren emphasises the importance of building a support network. “I have a fantastic VA, Evelyn, who is super switched on, a supportive husband to bounce ideas with, and an amazing business coach,” she says.

Her involvement with the Professional Speakers Association (PSANZ) and Toastmasters International has also been invaluable. “These organisations are full of fantastic people. I think we all need coaching, inspiration, and input from others,” she says, highlighting the significance of community in her journey.

From the outset, Lauren has focused on creating a strong and clear brand identity. “I’ve gotten really clear on my why – my vision to equip leaders to boost both wellbeing and productivity, creating thriving workplaces.” Her values of “keeping it real”, “over delivering”, “elevating”, and “inspiring action” guide her interactions with clients and her branding efforts.

“I aim to be super easy to work with. I arrive early, I’m extremely audience-focused, and I always aim to delight and inspire people with much more than they expect.” Lauren understands that building a solo brand is ultimately about connecting with people. “Even though I work mostly business-to-business, at the end of the day, it’s a person who makes the decision whether to bring me in or not, so everything is about people – making it easy for them and solving their problems.”


In her dealings with clients, Lauren has identified significant challenges organisations face in ensuring employee wellbeing. “Burnout risk is higher than ever in New Zealand right now,” she warns. “The research shows that it’s being driven by insecurity and loneliness.” This growing concern underscores the need for leaders to foster a culture of connection and belonging within their teams. “Culture is key. Leaders need to invest in looking after their people.” The benefits are clear: “The results will be lower staff turnover, less absenteeism/presenteeism, and ultimately having loyal staff who stick with you for longer and perform at their best.”

Lauren strongly believes in the link between employee wellbeing and productivity. She highlights the importance of prioritising tasks effectively. “The key is teaching people how to prioritise what’s important over what’s urgent and in your face – but not that important. Those things can rob you of time.”

Communication also plays a crucial role in establishing boundaries. “It is possible to work smarter and have better boundaries when you communicate them well.” For Lauren, the first step is shifting one’s mindset, “and everything flows from that”. – NZ Business

Here’s the Winner’s Announcement Video

(Solo Meo is at the 4min mark)


Lauren Parsons is a keynote speaker, author and consultant who’s passionate about helping busy people discover little-used techniques to boost their energy, vitality and performance. She’s the only speaker in the world to specialise on lifting BOTH workplace wellbeing and productivity.

Awarded NZ Keynote Speaker of the Year and Educator of the Year 2023/24 by the Professional Speakers Association. Lauren is a sought-after international speaker, one of only a dozen Certified Speaking Professionals and the only Accredited Speaker in New Zealand.

TEDx speaker, Author of Thriving Leaders Thriving Teams and Real Food Less Fuss, Founder of the Snack on Exercise movement and host of the Thrive TV Show. With over 20 years’ experience, Lauren integrates her wellness and business background to help leaders find the sweet spot between boosting both wellbeing and productivity.

Described as unforgettable and life-changing, Lauren is a dynamic and highly-engaging presenter, and master story-teller who will have you laughing, moving and learning in a memorable way. Whether it’s virtual or in-person, you will leave Lauren’s session feeling uplifted and empowered to create positive change, today!

Based in the Manawatu, New Zealand, where she lives with her husband and three children, Lauren can often be found hosting dinner parties, playing board games, running, reading or getting out in her gumboots to walk the paddocks. She travels regularly to speak at conferences and in-house and specialises in helping leaders create positive, energised workplaces where people thrive.

Check out all the goodness at Lauren’s “Free Stuff” page at www.LaurenParsonsWellbeing.com

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