Top Time Tip – Interruptions

Interruptions are one of the biggest time-stealers in our days.

Did you know that it can take 10-20 times the length of an interruption to get back on track and back in flow?

That 30 second quick question might take you 5-10 minutes to recover from!

Here is one specific practical tip you can use to take charge of interruptions so they don’t take over.

Top Time Tip – 4 Keys to Planning and Prioritising

Would you love to achieve more in less time? To get everything ticked off your list, feel satisfied with what you’ve acomplished and be able to ‘switch off’ and totally recharge? Listen in to today’s one minute video to hear the four keys to planning and prioritising well. What small step could you take today to help you get a grip on … Read More

Top Time Tip – Dealing with Physical Distractions

“Every piece of paper, information or equipment lying around is a symptom of a decision not made or an action not completed.” – Robyn Pearce Think about that for a moment. It’s confronting, but true. Listen in to today’s time tip, to hear why it’s so vital to declutter your workspace, to declutter your mind (and see Robyn Pearce passing … Read More