THRIVE TV 086 – Are Your Stories Holding You Back?

IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL DISCOVER: VIEW THE FULL EPISODE HERE: ABOUT MONIQUE Monique Bradley is an award-winning speaker, MC, and coach with a rich background in film, television,  and live presenting. As one of only 11 TV shopping presenters in New Zealand, Monique mastered the art  of connecting authentically with audiences in high-pressure, live environments.   With decades of experience in … Read More

Learn to Lead Self Before Others

I was once the Customer Service Manager at a large fitness centre. Straight out of university, it was the first time I’d been part of a leadership team and I constantly felt out of my depth. I put in long hours, trying to prove myself.

Most of my days were spent stuck at my desk under artificial lights. I barely saw the sun. Trying to do so much at once made me inefficient, ineffective and overwhelmed. I never worked out on the gym floor (even though it would have been a great opportunity for ‘management by walking around’).

3 Things I’ve Learnt, 2 years on from Cyclone Gabrielle

Two years ago, my husband and I were up on the roof of our home, with our cat, hemmed in by fast flowing muddy water. The rainfall from Cyclone Gabrielle made our local river burst its banks and suddenly we were surrounded and had to be rescued on the front forks of a tractor. It was a surreal experience. A … Read More

3 Shifts to Minimise Stress this Festive Season

It’s undeniably a busy time of year. The end of year social events, recitals and performances. The Christmas preparations and holidays preparations. The work projects and household projects that you want to complete. It’s a lot.