You almost never need to know you’ve just received yet another email but very few of us can ignore a beep or flashing message. When our energy is low or the current task is challenging it is way too easy to be distracted.
The Energy Trifecta – Part Two – Energising Movement
The human body is designed to move. If we could bottle the incredible life-giving benefits of exercise, it’d be absolutely priceless.
The Energy Trifecta – Part One – Great Nutrition
Studies show that the ‘food environment’ in workplaces can have a significant positive impact on maintaining a healthy diet. Workplaces also have social networks of people who can provide support to one another as they work towards common healthy goals, increasing their chance of success.
THRIVE TV 079 – Top Tips from the Speaker of the Year with Lauren Parsons
Having just won the prestigious ‘Keynote Speaker of the Year’ and ‘Educator of the Year’ awards, Lauren shares the story behind the scenes and her top tips for anyone wanting to improve their communication. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL DISCOVER: VIEW THE FULL EPISODE HERE: Want to get notified of the next episode? Prefer to check out the podcast version of … Read More
THRIVE TV 078 – Leading Like a Master Gardener with Lauren Parsons
Discover why great leaders need to lead like master gardeners, the 12 keys to cultivate a thriving team, and how you can apply this in to help your people thrive.
Avoid Burnout by Finding the Perfect Level of Stress
Stress is a part of life. Some stress is good for us. Without it, we’d be completely bored and apathetic. The right amount is invigorating. As long as we feel we can cope, stress motivates us to perform at our peak.
THRIVE TV 077 – Leading Effective Change with Filipo Levi
Discover Psychological Foundations of Change, Emotional Intelligence for Change Leaders, and Leadership Strategies for Successful Change.
Tips to Defuse a Volatile Situation
I was at dinner at an Assistant Principal/Deputy Principal conference a few years ago. As we chatted about time-challenging situations, angry parents, guardians and employees popped into the agenda.
How to Speak the Right Language of Appreciation so Your Praise Doesn’t Miss the Mark
People do more of what they’re praised for, which makes recognition essential in the workplace. Knowing how to deliver appreciation is a skill all leaders need to master. Rather than nagging people about what’s not been done or pointing out mistakes, highlighting positives makes your team to go the extra mile.
THRIVE TV 076 – The Resilience Roadmap with Mark Black
In this episode you’ll discover the mistake you are probably making right now that is sabotaging your resilience. How to use The Personal Agency Matrix to regain control of your time and energy.