“Every piece of paper, information or equipment lying around is a symptom of a decision not made or an action not completed.” – Robyn Pearce
Think about that for a moment.
It’s confronting, but true.
Listen in to today’s time tip, to hear why it’s so vital to declutter your workspace, to declutter your mind (and see Robyn Pearce passing the baton onto her successor, Lauren Parsons.)
What small step could you take today to help you get a grip on time?
For more help to master your time challenges, order a copy of the fully updated Getting a Grip on Time Management Book – the keys inside it will save you hours every week!
Available on it’s own or bundled together with my latest leadership book, check it out in the online store today!

For over three decades Robyn Pearce, CSP built a reputation as the Time Queen. She’s the author of seven non-fiction books and creator of the Getting a Grip Programmes, which are now delivered by her successor – Lauren Parsons, CSP.
The Getting a Grip Training Programmes can help you transform your time challenges into high productivity and the life balance you desire. Find out more here.
Download the free report “How to Master Time In Only 90 Seconds”, a simple yet powerful diagnostic tool to help you identify your key areas for action. You’ll find it here.
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