The word ‘No’ is one of your most powerful time management strategies. Most people find it difficult to say ‘No’, but doing so allows you more time to say ‘Yes’ to the things that are really important. There is however a caveat to this and two things to avoid with saying ‘No’. Listen in to hear what they are… I … Read More
David Award Announcement – Lauren Parsons Wellbeing
The David Awards exist to celebrate heros in small business throughout New Zealand. I discovered a few weeks ago that I was a finalist in the Marketing and Solo Meo categories.
Today – I’ve just found out that I won the Solo Meo Award!
Huge heartfelt thanks go to all of my supporters and clients. I couldn’t do the work that I do without you!
Study Tips For Students (of all ages!)
When you write down your goals it becomes easier to know where your priorities lie. You can then, with greater ease, stay focused when seductive time stealers such as TV, friends or a sunny day try to lure you away.
How to Disconnect Digitally to Truly Connect with People
Technology is a double-edged sword, with serious negative impacts for our wellbeing, relationships and productivity when not wielded correctly.
THRIVE TV 084 -Bouncing Forward No Matter What
Discover a self-leadership principle that has shaped Ian’s life, the resilience / mind-set mastery tool to reframe any situation, and the lessons learnt on the type2 diabetic recovery journey.
Top Time Tip – Interruptions
Interruptions are one of the biggest time-stealers in our days.
Did you know that it can take 10-20 times the length of an interruption to get back on track and back in flow?
That 30 second quick question might take you 5-10 minutes to recover from!
Here is one specific practical tip you can use to take charge of interruptions so they don’t take over.
3 Keys to Address Stress & Prevent Burnout in Your Organisation
Workplace stress is on the rise.
Leaders can make a big difference for their team by understanding what drives stress at work and how to deal with it.
Not only will team members benefit personally, they’ll also achieve more, be more engaged and stick with you for longer. Win-win-win!
Ways To Improve Employee Experience
To cultivate a phenomenal employee experience, it’s important to create rituals at each step of the journey, which will influence how people feel when they first join, in their day-to-day, right through to when they leave.
THRIVE TV 083 – How to be Intelligently Lazy in the Kitchen with The Two Raw Sisters
Discover how to save yourself time, how to save on your grocery bill, and how to feel great by creating recipes that use good, seasonal, minimally processed ingredients that are cost – effective and readily available.
The Journey to Becoming an Accredited Speaker
If you’re like me, you might have some BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) that inspire you. One of mine was to become an Accredited Speaker – a prestigious designation awarded by Toastmasters International, a world leader in communication and leadership development, which recognises outstanding Professional Speakers who perform at the highest level.
I’m thrilled to say that after beginning this process in 2021, I am now officially the first Accredited Speaker in New Zealand (and one of only 95 in the world!)