Food has a profound influence on how we feel. Both at an emotional level and a physiological one it affects our mood and temperament.
Here are some of the most important pick me up foods to eat regularly if you feel low;
1. Fish
Our brains need omega-3 found which is best found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies. Omega-3s are essential fatty acids (ones that our bodies cannot produce by themselves) which alter the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine, which help you feel calm, relaxed and upbeat. If you don’t enjoy fish, take a daily fish oil supplement and see how you feel after a couple of weeks.
2. Carbohydrates
Diets that restrict carbohydrates have been proven to lead to increased anxiety, anger and depression. Carbohydrates flood the brain with tryptophan which morphs into serotonin one of our bodies feel good hormones. Ensure you are getting enough carbohydrates regularly throughout the day from wonderful wholefood sources such as whole oats, rice, quinoa, wholemeal grains or legumes. Just be sure to avoid the highly refined processed ones and opt for the natural and whole alternatives.
3. Bananas
Bananas are great sources of a range of vitamins, important minerals such as potassium, phosphorous and iron and they contain the amino acid tryptophan which combats anxiety, depression and insomnia. It is converted to the hormone serotonin, which lifts your mood and helps you sleep soundly. Add half or a whole banana to your breakfast, have one as a snack, add one to a smoothie or make banana ice cream.

4. Lentils
Lentils are rich in folate which is important to combat depression. Because they are a low GI complex carbohydrate they give you long lasting energy and also increase the important hormone serotonin. They boost iron levels reducing tiredness. Dry lentils are very inexpensive and can easily be added to casseroles, soups or curries. Soaking them overnight makes them more digestible and even better for you. Canned lentils make great salads or can be added to any meal for an instant boost.
5. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are a rich sources of selenium. People low in this mineral are more irritable, anxious and tired. Eating 3 brazil nuts a day meets your recommended daily requirement for selenium so have a few with your breakfast, in a salad or as a snack.
6. Fruit and Vegetables
Having a wide range of colourful fruit and vegetables is important to supply the body with a huge range of essential minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals as well as fibre and energy. A study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, of close to 3,500 men and women showed that those who ate more wholefoods and less fried, refined and processed foods experienced lower depression. The studies authors stated that high levels of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect against depression. Add a few extra vegetables into your meals, snack on crisp fresh vege sticks and add soups or salads to your meals as entrees.

7. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate can help to lower stress hormones and causes the brain to release endorphins and boost serotonin levels. Make sure you go for a high quality dark chocolate, sit down comfortably and savour it slowly.
8. Leafy Greens
Leafy greens such as spinach, silverbeet or broccoli are great sources of vitamin B. Low vitamin B levels can lead to depression and can hinder serotonin production. Add an extra serving of greens with meals, disguise them inside your family favourites, have a green smoothie as a pick me up snack or start your meals with a salad entrée.
9. Water
Obviously not a food group, but well worth mentioning; water is important for virtually every process in our body and thus our overall wellbeing. Without adequate hydration our brain aren’t able to function properly leading to poor concentration, listlessness and irritability. Add rituals and visual reminders into your day that ensure you drink water regularly such as having a glass on your desk, filling and consuming a drink bottle of water twice a day or linking drinking to routine tasks. In winter this can be via herbal teas or hot water with lemon.

As always please comment below or on my facebook page to send in any questions that I can answer for you.
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