This wasn’t the post I wanted to share.
If you read my article earlier this month, you’ll know that I have been working towards my Accredited Speaker designation (the highest accreditation within Toastmasters International.)
I delivered my live presentation to a panel of secret judges and over the weekend I got the tough news that I did not pass this year.
Seeing as I believe in being authentic and vulnerable, I just wanted to share this with you because I know that sometimes all we see is people’s highlight reels and it can be disheartening.
I wrote about this in my article on failure and how “You are not your results”
Well here you have it – I failed.
(Although as many people have said, true failure only happens when you give up, so I guess it’s more of a bump in the road.)
The news was tough to hear, tears were shed, the sting of rejection was very real.
The wonderful thing however is that, just as I said a few weeks back, NOT succeeding is a huge GIFT which will overall make me a much better speaker than if I had breezed through the first time.
It truly is a gift in so many ways:
- I get to share another message again next year, with thousands of people (what a privilege!)
- I get to be part of the process once again and receive mentoring from amazing speakers
- Overall it will make me a MUCH better speaker so that I can positively impact more people’s lives
So I am truly grateful. I will deliver another presentation this time next year and once again the pressure will be on and I’ll have to wait and hear the results.
Till then I’ll keep remembering those keys to remaining optimistic.
I’ve had several people who heard the news sending messages of support, which have been hugely appreciated.
So, if you’ve worked with me/seen me speak/taken part in one of my programmes and you’ve benefitted – I would be grateful if you’d like to leave me a google review
Or if we’re connected on LinkedIn feel free to leave me a recommendation (I think you have to scroll right down to recommendations and click ‘Recommend Lauren’ for this.)
Words of affirmation are my love language, (see Gary Chapmans love languages) so I’ll really appreciate hearing from you. But please don’t do it out of sympathy – I’m not setting up a pity party over here!
I really do feel optimistic and hopeful for next year and in the meantime, I’ll keep working on getting better and better.
Wishing you a wonderful rest of your day!
Remember that YOU are amazing, capable and worthy.
If you ever lose sight of that – re-read this article

Thanks for reading this article, I appreciate your time. To find out more about the work I do helping individuals and organisation thrive, feel free to find out more at the Workplace Wellbeing or Helping You Thrive pages.
If you enjoyed this article, please share it so it can reach more people and help them boost their health and happiness. With thanks in advance.
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3 Comments on “On Handing Failure”
Watched it, loved it
Thanks so much Maria!
Well Lauren I am one person. One person who watches most of your thrive tv podcasts. I honestly can say I enjoy and have benefitted from every episode. Not sure if this is relevant to your toastmasters goal but you are a very clear and consistent communicator in my opinion. Also you always have a genuine smile on your face. I wish you all the best.