Start With Why – How great leaders inspire action

start with why lauren parsons wellbeing

Discover the fundamental shift in the ‘happiness equation’ that is required to create true happiness.

Shawn Achor author of The Happiness Advantage outlines how increasing happiness can change individuals, communities and the world.

Watch this outstanding and entertaining message in which he shares 5 practical ways to train your brain for happiness!

Creating an Energised Workplace Culture for Optimal Performance

“Creating a positive, high- performing culture starts with strong, supportive leadership. Only when people are healthy, happy and energised can they perform at their best.” If you take an honest look at the current state of your workforce, how do your employees look? Act? Function? Does your staff consist of highly-energised, productive people who are positive and supportive or do … Read More

How Individual Happiness Leads To Company-Wide Success

Happiness leads to company wide success

Science has proven that success does not lead to happiness, but in fact the opposite is true. Happiness has a profound effect on brain function and significantly increases individual performance, creating greater business success. Businesses that take a holistic approach to staff wellbeing, boosting happiness will enjoy a competitive advantage that improves staff engagement as well as their bottom line. … Read More

Work in Sync to Lift Staff Wellbeing & Performance

Picture yourself, returning home after a productive day at work, having completed all of your most pressing tasks, having great energy throughout the day and feeling connected and engaged as part of your wider team. Imagine getting home early in fact, being on time to see your kids play sport, cook with your spouse or just to relax in your … Read More

Resources to Help You Thrive in the New Normal, Post-Lockdown

Discover the fundamental shift in the ‘happiness equation’ that is required to create true happiness.

Shawn Achor author of The Happiness Advantage outlines how increasing happiness can change individuals, communities and the world.

Watch this outstanding and entertaining message in which he shares 5 practical ways to train your brain for happiness!

Dealing With Stress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times

Lauren Parsons - Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

Discover the fundamental shift in the ‘happiness equation’ that is required to create true happiness.

Shawn Achor author of The Happiness Advantage outlines how increasing happiness can change individuals, communities and the world.

Watch this outstanding and entertaining message in which he shares 5 practical ways to train your brain for happiness!

How To Make Stress Your Friend

Discover the fundamental shift in the ‘happiness equation’ that is required to create true happiness.

Shawn Achor author of The Happiness Advantage outlines how increasing happiness can change individuals, communities and the world.

Watch this outstanding and entertaining message in which he shares 5 practical ways to train your brain for happiness!

How Boredom Can Lead To Your Best Ideas

How Boredom Can Lead To Your Best Ideas - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing Session (4)

Discover the fundamental shift in the ‘happiness equation’ that is required to create true happiness.

Shawn Achor author of The Happiness Advantage outlines how increasing happiness can change individuals, communities and the world.

Watch this outstanding and entertaining message in which he shares 5 practical ways to train your brain for happiness!

THRIVE TV 020 – How to Tap Into Your Greatest Source of Personal Power

IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL DISCOVER 1.  Where your greatest source of personal power comes from; 2. How to harness that source of personal power to feel better and get what you want in life; 3. The biggest mistake that most people make that leaves them feeling depleted and powerless. Want to get notified of the next episode? Prefer to check … Read More