THRIVE TV 002 – Sarah McVanel – How Recognition Fuels Peak Performance

IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL DISCOVER Why recognition is the single easiest, most accessible, and effective way to repair and invigorate meaningful relationships, personally and professionally. How leaders’ cannot perform at their peak without leveraging the exponential power of recognition. Why the highest performing companies make recognition a cornerstone of their culture. HIGHLIGHTS 3:26 – How Sarah got started into what … Read More

4C Creamy Coconut Chicken Casserole

Ingredients 4 chicken thighs, de-boned, skin off 2 brown onions 4 potatoes 2 carrots 200g of tomato paste (or harrisa) 1 400g can lite coconut milk 2 teaspoons paprika salt and pepper to season Instructions 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees C. 2. Heat a large pan on high. Add the oil and brown the chicken thighs on both … Read More

Why Workplace Wellbeing is Worth its Weight

Why Workplace Wellbeing Is Worth Its Weight - Lauren Parsons

Organisations that want to survive and thrive in the modern world need to prioritise the wellbeing of their most valuable asset – their staff. With the high pressures and the constant demands our fast-paced world puts on people, companies that create a thriving wellness culture will set themselves up to outperform others. The Health and Safety at Work Act, 2015[i], … Read More

Aging and the Fountain of Youth

fountain of youth - Lauren Parsons blog


Aging…it’s inevitable.

We all face it and discover how it seems to overtake us with ever increasing speed.

No ointment from a pottle can reverse your biological age, but there is something that truly can!…


What my TED Talk taught me

What My TED Talk Taught Me - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing (3)

Speaking on that red TED circle had been a dream for several years. I didn’t realise, when I accepted the invitation to speak at TEDxOneonta, what a huge journey of personal growth I was embarking upon.

It taught me so much about myself as a person and as a speaker. Today I am sharing the behind the scenes story and the eight key lessons I took away. I hope they help you make one of your dreams come true, perhaps to speak on that red circle yourself one day!

Read more…

How to Communicate to Get What You Really Want

Rogers TV Communication 2.JPG

Great communication is at the heart of our relationships, parenting, career success and virtually every aspect of life.

Sometimes it can be difficult to clearly communicate what you want and need and create a positive outcome. In this interview Lauren shares her 6 step process to achieve what she calls ‘Complete Communication‘ to avoid misundertandings and strife, so you can enjoy more health and happiness in life right now.



TV Interview on Overcoming Cravings

Rogers tv interview Cravings 5.JPG

Ever wish you could curb your cravings?

Listen into this tv interview with Dylan Black to hear Lauren’s top tips to understand and overcome cravings.

Hear which foods to avoid and which to prioritise, how to prepare in advance to better manage cravings and the suprising role sunlight has to play.


Overcome the Overwhelm Coaching Programme

Lauren Parsons Overcome the Overwhelm

Do you wish you could better juggle work, family & life?

Would you like to feel more calm, confident & in control?

I’m thrilled to announce this NEW 8-Week action-oriented intensive coaching programme, which will help you gain control, restore calm & experience more joy!

Click to find out more…