Massively Boost Your Productivity with this 101 minute cycle

Lauren Parsons Wellbeing Massively Boost Productivty

If you’ve been on this planet for a while, chances are you’ve heard of circadian rhythm. What you may not know is that there is another set of rhythms that can help you unlock your productivity potential.

In this article I explain how to capitalize on these rhythms and massively boost your productivity using my 101 minute cycle.

How To Instantly Boost Your Mood

Hear Lauren’s three practical strategies you can implement immediately to significantly boost your mood in this TV interview with Dylan Black.



Book Review – “Presence” by Amy Cuddy

Listen in to hear my top highlights from this fantastic book which will inspire you with exactly how to transform your confidence and show up as your most authentic self – especially in high stakes situations when it counts the most.

TV3 Interview with Mel Homer

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See Lauren’s TV interview with Mel Homer on ‘The Cafe’ to hear tips on how to fit healthy food & exercise into your busy life.

Hear all about her new book “Real Food Less Fuss” and get yourself a copy here.


Boost your confidence by adapting your body language

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This inspirational TED talk by Amy Cuddy is a must watch.

In it she shares a ‘life hack’ to boost your confidence and change the entire course of your life.

It is incredibly simple and easy to do, here’s how…


Shonda Rhimes Year of Saying Yes to everything

In this moving TED Talk, Shonda Rhimes shares her year of saying ‘yes’ to everything.

She talks about having and losing ‘the hum’ and how 15 minutes can make such a difference.

The Power of Vulnerability

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Watch this incredible TED Talk by Storyteller/Researcher Brene Brown.

Brown shares the key to experiencing life to the full.

Her talk will move you, challenge you and inspire you to live, work and parent in a new way.

The Secret to Happiness & Success

Secret to Hapiness and Success - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing Session

Discover the fundamental shift in the ‘happiness equation’ that is required to create true happiness.

Shawn Achor author of The Happiness Advantage outlines how increasing happiness can change individuals, communities and the world.

Watch this outstanding and entertaining message in which he shares 5 practical ways to train your brain for happiness!

Cook with Lauren – Banoffee Pie

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This completely natural dessert is rich tasting and incredibly easy to make!

Wow your friends and family with this nutritious version of what is traditionally a very unhealthy dessert.

Best of all you make make it ahead of time for easy entertaining. It slices and serves well and is sure to impress!