An Attitude Of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing

Gratitude. It’s the ultimate cure for a bad mood, stress and worry. Thankfulness moves a person from pessimistic, depressive thoughts to feelings of happiness, joy and contentment. We all want more of that in life, right? Every action we take is the result of a thought. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful; they shape our lives. Age-old wisdom tells us to … Read More

Sixteen Stress Busters

Sixteen Stress Busters - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing

Stress affects us all and can be both good and bad. The key is mastering how to manage stress well!

Here are sixteen practical strategies to deal with stress.

While they are all important, numbers 1, 10 and 16 are the most vital for the majority of people.

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How to know you’re stressed and what to do about it

How to Know Youre Stressed - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing

One of the greatest challenges with stress is that it can be a bit like hypothermia, often you don’t realise you’re suffering from it, until it’s too late.

So, today I want to share with you some tips on how to identify when you are stressed and some things you can do about it.

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Ditching the Rat Race for the Simple Life

sand heart at the beach Nikon D5100.jpg

This story of the fisherman and the businessman is one of the best stories I have read. It comes to mind regularly as I contemplate life and how we live it.

I won’t spoil the story, so first I encourage you to read on for one minute…


An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were…


Foods to Boost Your Mood

Food has a profound influence on how we feel. Both at an emotional level and a physiological one it affects our mood and temperament.

Here are the most important pick me up foods to eat regularly if you feel low;

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Ten Top Training Tips


Here is how to get the most out of your training and to feel amazing!

1 Set realistic goals that inspire you. Remember everyone’s starting points are different and you need to set goals that suit YOU!

2 Break it down. What are…


How Sunlight Affects Cravings, Energy and Sleep

How Sunligtht affects cravings energy and sleep - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing

There is nothing quite like getting out into the great outdoors! We are designed to be in nature, to breath fresh air and to get sunlight on our skin and into our eyes.

We all know that sunlight is essential for Vitamin D which helps your body absorb and use Calcium. The recommendations are to expose large areas of skin for short periods daily.
(e.g. 5-20 mins)

What is less commonly known is the effect a lack of sunlight can have on…. 

Learning to love your body!!!

Learning To Love Your Body - Lauren Parsons Wellbeing Session

“If you realised how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. They can have a powerful influence for good when they’re on the positive side, and they can and do make you physically ill when they’re on the negative side.” – Peace Pilgrim

Increasingly women (and even men) are struggling with their sense of body image. The latest stats show that 75% of women are dissatisfied with their appearance, 89% saying they want to lose weight. 50% of women are on a diet at any one time and 80% of 10 year old girls have already dieted!